Welcome to the senior survey* website where we present the findings of the senior survey conducted among IITB's graduating batch of 2024. The survey gathers valuable insights from the outgoing batch. The survey is divided into four key sections: Academics, Career, Personal and Miscellaneous. We have also included some comments about their time and experiences here at IITB at the end of the Miscellaneous section.

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This part of the survey captures the academic experiences and perceptions of graduating seniors from IITB. It covers course satisfaction, CPI satisfaction, academic interests, acad-extracurricular balance, etc.


Career Illustration

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This section explores the career outcomes and aspirations of IIT Bombay's graduating seniors. It includes data on job placements, higher education plans, internships, etc.


Personal Illustration

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The personal section of the survey delves into the overall well-being and personal growth of the graduating seniors. It examines aspects such as campus life, extracurricular involvement and mental health.


Miscellaneous Illustration

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In this section we find out the graduating batch’s opinions on their overall experience, satisfaction with mess food, their involvement in the campus elections, etc. We also have included some comments they made about their time and experiences at the end.


*Please note that this survey was completed by 291 students, which represents only a subset of the entire graduating student population of over 2,400 students. It is important to acknowledge that the findings presented here may not entirely reflect the views and experiences of the whole graduating student body.
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