
Q What are your immediate plans after graduation?

Total Respondents - 291

Career Illustration

Q What are your immediate plans after graduation?

Total Respondents - 291

Q Where are you headed to after graduating from college?

Total Respondents - 288

Q After graduating from IIT Bombay, have you taken or do you plan to take any of the following exams?

Total Respondents* - 280

Q Current employment status:

Total Respondents - 288

Q In what ways do you think the institute provides opportunities for someone who wants to pursue non-core?

Total Respondents* - 268

Q In what ways do you think the institute provides opportunities for someone who wants to pursue core?

Total Respondents* - 274

Q How well do you think IITB has prepared you for life after college?

Total Respondents - 286

Q How much did your internships help you in making a practical career choice?

Total Respondents - 283

Q Which of the following influenced your career choices?

Total Respondents* - 279

Q Rate the importance of the following factor you kept in mind while choosing a career. [Work-life balance]

Total Respondents - 279

Q Rate the importance of the following factor you kept in mind while choosing a career. [Interest/ alignment with your skillset]

Total Respondents - 282

Q Rate the importance of the following factor you kept in mind while choosing a career. [Financial compensation]

Total Respondents - 281

Q Rate the importance of the following factor you kept in mind while choosing a career. [Place of posting]

Total Respondents - 279

Q Rate the importance of the following factor you kept in mind while choosing a career. [Work culture]

Total Respondents - 280

Q How satisfied are you with your after graduation plans?

Total Respondents - 286

1 - Very Dissatisfied, 5 - Very Satisfied

Q What was the placement season like for you?

Total Respondents* - 288

Q In case you registered/sat for placements, how satisfied are you with the following aspects? [Your package offer]

Total Respondents - 204

1 - Very Dissatisfied, 5 - Very Satisfied

Q In case you registered/sat for placements, how satisfied are you with the following aspects? [The job/industry you'll be working in]

Total Respondents - 204

1 - Very Dissatisfied, 5 - Very Satisfied

Q How closely does your after graduation plan match with your original career aspirations?

Total Respondents - 284

1 - Very far from my aspirations, 5 - Very close to my aspirations

Note: *Multiple choice question - respondents could select more than one option for the question