
Q Which of these activities did you engage in solely due to peer pressure at the institute?

Total Respondents* - 244

Miscellaneous Illustration

Q Do you feel like you represent a typical IIT Bombay student?

Total Respondents - 287


Q What was your parent hostel?

Total Respondents - 284

Q How satisfied were you with the food given in the mess ?

Total Respondents - 288

Q What, if anything, prevented you from spending time with friends?

Total Respondents* - 263

Q Did you represent IIT Bombay at any inter-IIT?

Total Respondents* - 279

Q How many times have you received pink slips for reasons other than its intended purpose?

Total Respondents - 278

Q What skills did you pick up/develop during you time at IIT Bombay?

Total Respondents* - 285

Q What mode of transportation did you prefer for getting around on campus?

Total Respondents* - 288

Q On a scale of 1-5, how invested were you in the campus elections?

Total Respondents - 288

1 - I stayed as far as I could, 5 - I was very involved

Q How satisfied are you with your overall experience at IIT Bombay?

Total Respondents - 288

1 - Very Dissatisfied, 5 - Very Satisfied

Note: *Multiple choice question - respondents could select more than one option for the question

Here's what some of the survey respondents had to say about their time at the institute:

“The people made every struggle worth it. Have made some of the best memories and found some of my best friends at IITB. Really hope we all stay in touch :) ”

“Best years of my life till date.”

“Love insti, love campus, love my friends, best phase of my life :)”

“Was sad when it started, and now very sad because it's ending :(“

“Being my first time to stay in a hostel, away from my family, it was initially surprising that I got comfortable quite fast. I think my life has gotten more balanced than just academics. There are events that happen all around the year. IITB provides platform for any skill, however, one has to prioritize their needs and interests. Overall my experience here has been highly positive.”

“It taught me a lot about society. IITB is a small country in itself; a good demo for the life one can look forward to outside.”

“It was not good initially, but my experience skyrocketed eventually. Now, I am going to a very good institution for a PhD. It has been an all's well that ends well thing for me. I liked my professors here, and the research opportunities I had, with the motivation I received.”

“Have been at home for the first semester due to pandemic. But then, 2.5 magical years at IITB. Got opportunities to do whatever I always wanted to do. Connections made here, The best graph that I have ever been a node of. Amazing people all around who excel in any domain you can name, Academics, Sports, Cult and what not. Learnt a lot from peers. Nothing much, just a life changing experience at IITB.”