
Q How frequently did you use dating apps during your stay at IIT?

Total Respondents - 282

Personal Illustration

Q Which state would you call your native place?

Total Respondents - 287

Q Which region did you primarily grow up in?

Total Respondents - 290

Q How close were you to your family while at college?

Total Respondents - 289

Q What gender do you identify as?

Total Respondents - 289

Q What is your sexual orientation?

Total Respondents - 283

Q Do you identify with a different sexual orientation and/or gender identity than when you joined IIT?

Total Respondents - 279

Q On a scale form 1 to 5, how religious would you say you are?

Total Respondents - 286

1 - Not Religious, 5 - Very Religious

Q To which end of the political spectrum do your views align?

Total Respondents - 277

1 - Liberal, 5 - Conservative

Q What are your dietary preferences?

Total Respondents - 288

Q Did you receive any financial aid (through institute scholarships or loans) during your degree?

Total Respondents - 286

Q Have your family members attended any IIT for undergraduate or graduate study?

Total Respondents - 290

Q Did you face a language barrier at IIT Bombay? How did you overcome this barrier?

Total Respondents - 290

Q Have you ever considered pursuing and/or received mental health counselling or therapy?

Total Respondents - 286

Q What is your current relationship status?

Total Respondents - 282

Q How many people have you dated/been in a relationship with during your time at IITB?

Total Respondents - 278

Q On average, how frequently did you have sex?

Total Respondents - 267

Q If at all you consume alcohol, at what point did you start/have it for the first time?

Total Respondents - 281

Q How often do you consume alcohol?

Total Respondents - 281

Q If at all you smoke, at what point did you start?

Total Respondents - 283

QHow often do you smoke cigarettes?

Total Respondents - 282

Note: *Multiple choice question - respondents could select more than one option for the question